Brazil Birding Tours

Brazil is one of the greatest birdwatching destinations on earth. Its bird list of 1884 species of birds, distributed in 33 orders, 103 families, and 705 genera constitutes almost 60% of the bird species of South America, and its remarkable number of 243 country endemics should put the country in the top-ten bucket list of every birdwatcher and naturalist in the world. We offer a suite of Brazil birding tours that not only visit classic Brazil birding and wildlife destinations, such as the Pantanal and Atlantic rainforest, but also visit some lesser-known areas where we target rare specials such as Brazilian Merganser and Araripe Manakin.

8.5 million square kilometers (about 3.3 million square miles) make Brazil the fifth-largest country in the world. Its most famous metropolis is Rio de Janeiro, evoking pictures of its beautiful beaches like Copacabana Beach observed by the giant statue of Christ the Redeemer at the peak of Corcovado mountain, one of the New Seven Wonders of the World,

Each corner of Brazil is full of birds, and visitors can choose one of the most fabulous Brazil birding tours for all naturalists and birders alike, which includes visiting the Pantanal and the Atlantic forest. The Pantanal provides the unique experience of traveling through the largest wetland in the world. With a density of birds without parallel in the rest of the continent, a week in the Pantanal will give you views of hundreds or even thousands of JabirusWood Storks, and Great Egrets and large numbers of Southern ScreamersPlumbeous IbisesBuff-necked IbisesRoseate SpoonbillsWattled Jacanas, and Limpkins, just to name the most obvious occupants of the Pantanal. Other spectacular birds include Hyacinth Macaw (the largest parrot in the world), Golden-collared MacawAgami HeronZigzag HeronCrane HawkHelmeted ManakinMato Grosso AntbirdToco ToucanBlack-collared HawkCampo Flicker, and Red-legged Seriema. It is not only birds that we encounter on our Brazil birding tours, with other wildlife also being abundant in the Pantanal and includes the best chances in the world to see the mighty Jaguar, along the banks of the Cuiabá River. Giant OtterLowland TapirMarsh Deer, and even the elusive Giant Anteater are seen by a good number of visitors on our tours.

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The unique Atlantic Forest is one of the most enticing regions of Brazil; ranging from sea level to 3,000 meters (c. 9850 feet), it holds no less than 1,000 species of birds, including a high rate of endemism of strikingly colorful species. Some of the species we are likely to encounter include Gilt-edged TanagerBrassy-breasted TanagerBrazilian TanagerRed-necked TanagerGreen-headed TanagerSaffron ToucanetRed-breasted ToucanBlond-crested WoodpeckerPin-tailed ManakinBare-throated BellbirdBlack JacobinSaw-billed HummingbirdBrazilian LaniisomaSwallow-tailed CotingaThree-toed JacamarHooded BerryeaterBlack-and-gold CotingaFrilled CoquetteGreen-headed PlovercrestRufous Gnateater, and Slaty Bristlefront will leave you speechless. We will take you to visit all the main birding sites of the Atlantic Forest, including famous Ubatuba and Itatiaia National Parks, Intervales State Park, and REGUA – Reserva Ecológica de Guapiaçu and other Pico de Caledonia hotspots.

We organize a series of birding and wildlife trips in Brazil to target species such as the Critically Endangered (IUCN) Brazilian Merganser in the famous Serra da Canastra National Park and to track down Giant Anteater and Maned Wolf in the vast grasslands of the state of Minas Gerais. Intrepid birders can adventure into the wild region known as Northeast Brazil on an intense birding trip focused on a good selection of specialties such as Lear’s MacawAraripe ManakinBlue-eyed Ground DoveHooded VisorbearerGreat XenopsPink-legged GraveteiroLittle Wood Rail, and Buff-fronted Owl.

We also can arrange an extension to visit the Iguazú waterfalls at the border of Argentina, where we have amazing views of colonies of Great Dusky Swifts. Our experts, including local guides and Birding Ecotours leaders, will also organize custom trips to track down other sought-after species of mammals such as Northern or Southern Muriqui or Golden Lion Tamarin.

Download Brazil Itineraries

Brazil and Argentina: The Pantanal and Iguazu Falls October 2025/2026

Brazil: Cerrado Endemics, Brazilian Merganser & Maned Wolf October 2025

Brazil: Espirito Santo & Minas Gerais Birding Tour September 2025/2026

Northeastern Brazil: Araripe Manakin, Lear's Macaw & other endemics November 2025

Southeast Brazil – Atlantic Forest Endemics Paradise September 2025

Brazil Gallery

Testimonials from our Brazil birding tours

Dear Chris, Thank you for your interest in the outcome of our tour. It is not possible to answer you in one note, so I will try to do so in a few ‘to the point’ remarks. Yes, the trip met all our expectations, and more! We saw and experienced the Cerrado, the Amazon forest, even better than previously at Tambopata, and the Pantanal with its amazing variety and volume of wildlife. For me the sight of a Hyacinth Macaw, which drew me to the Pantanal, already made it worthwhile. Then, of course, come the excellent sightings of the Jaguars and the Otters and then all the birds for which Eduardo made special efforts to find for his goals. In the Cerrado we stayed in an excellent farm-lodge where we were lucky to experience the sighting of the Maned Wolf and the Burrowing Owl (which was on Elzine’s bucket list), apart from a number of colourful specials like the Motmot and Jacamar. In the Amazon we were also very lucky to find another of Elzine’s target species, the Anaconda, and also another member of South America’s big five, the Tapir. We had an excellent session of forest birding on one of the towers where we could really appreciate the advantages of our private tour which, we think, was good value for the additional cost. Together with the Cristalino guide we had the tower for ourselves, and with an excellent guide like Eduardo also with us, we experienced a feast of good sightings. On EDUARDO: It was a pleasure to travel with him again and having him as a guide who showed his expertise even in the presence of other local guides. It is good to hear that he also enjoyed our company. In summary, we came back as very satisfied customers of Birding Ecotours and wish to thank you and Lynn for the opportunity to experience the Heart of Brazil.

Jacques and Elzine - On Eduardo and Brazil

I was fortunate enough to be able to add an extension on to the Best of Brazil Pantanal and Atlantic Forest 2019 trip. The extension took me on a visit to the Belo Horizonte and the Caraça Monastery where one gets to see the Maned Wolf and then to the border of Brazil and Argentina where the famous Iguazu Falls cascade between the two countries. I did the extension as a private tour with Eduardo Ormaeche as tour leader. I would definitely recommend a private tour if it is within your means as the beauty of seeing the Maned Wolf at the monastery is turned into magic when there is a limited amount of people around. Staying at the Monastery is also truly an experience not to be missed. In addition to the Monastery and Maned Wolf, Eduardo did a fantastic job at finding all the birds of note in the area. Iguazu Falls was truly beautiful. It is a very busy area though with many tourists from both Argentina and Brazil coming out for day trips, but there are so many lookouts and viewing areas that one can see the falls from many angles and get some wonderful photographs. The Great Dusky Swift are around the falls and Eduardo was able to find the perfect viewing spot to watch them nesting. It was a trip well worth remembering and recommending.

Anne - On Eduardo and Brazil

I think this is the best tour I've taken. Brazil's Atlantic rain forest is full of stunning vistas. Every day was remarkable, even with unseasonably cold and rainy weather. Four species of toucans (my favorites), Bare-faced Bellbird, calling yellow frogs, an Atlantic Royal Flycatcher near its nest, and beautiful tanagers and hummingbirds. Our guides, Eduardo and Marco, had extensive knowledge of all facets of natural history, and showed almost as much excitement at some of our sightings as we did!

Tracy - On Eduardo and Southeast Brazil

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