Eduardo Ormaeche

Read the blog article 'Getting to know Eduardo Ormaeche'

Senior Tour Leader and South American Office Manager

Eduardo Ormaeche has worked continuously for Birding Ecotours since 2004. He started guiding tours in his native country of Peru and from there spread out into many South and Central American countries, birding, guiding, and co-guiding tours in Chile, Argentina, Bolivia, Paraguay, Brazil, Ecuador, Colombia, Guyana, Panama, Costa Rica, Cuba, Jamaica, Guatemala and the USA. Eduardo is the head of Birding Ecotours’ Peru office and coordinates most of our Neotropical trips. He enjoys traveling and showing birds to his clients. Eduardo’s logistics skills will provide you with the best facilities available in order to allow you the most enjoyable birding holiday.

Many years ago Eduardo abandoned promising studies in psychology to become a licensed tour guide and get a degree in business management, something he would never regret. He is a serious birder with a world list of 2600 species seen to date. He works very hard to find as many birds as possible on every trip, targeting endemics and range-restricted species for the most hard-core clients.  He is also extremely enthusiastic and knowledgeable about other wildlife (he loves mammals) and will always give you the chance for a night walk, looking for elusive animals and for as many members as possible of his favorite bird family, the owls.

Eduardo’s other interests include history, art, gastronomy, anthropology, hiking, and cinema, and he is a declared addict to tea and chocolate. When he is not guiding he lives in Lima with his family, developing new routes for the company. Eduardo’s golden dream is to see the Great Grey Owl; his bogey bird is still the Puna Tinamou. Some of the more memorable moments of his career include a massive mixed flock with 60+ species in the fruiting trees of Wildsumaco Bird Lodge in Ecuador, the first time he spotted the Long-whiskered Owlet in the Abra Patricia Mountains in Peru, an adult Ornate Hawk-Eagle a few meters above his head watching him for over ten minutes in the forest of Tumbes in Peru, where the species had not been reported in over 100 years, and seeing his lifer Snowy Owl in Ohio in May 2017. White-plumed Antbird, Ocellated Tapaculo, Diademed Plover, Long-whiskered Owlet, Chucao Tapaculo, and Marvellous Spatuletail are among his favorite birds.

Eduardo’s favorite guiding destinations are Northern Peru, Northern Ecuador, Colombia with Santa Marta, the Pantanal and Cerrado in Brazil, Costa Rica and Argentina. A very friendly, patient, enthusiastic, and knowledgeable guide indeed!

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Join Eduardo Ormaeche on the following upcoming tours:

Read Eduardo Ormaeche’s feedback from clients:

I’ve just returned from our custom tour with Eduardo and I want to tell you – he is a jewel! Very knowledgeable, approachable, friendly and seems to enjoy birding and helping other birders find and appreciate the birds. His guiding, listening and decorum were beyond reproach. He could many times describe where the target bird was, rather than just pointing and scaring it away. A true gentleman and very helpful when I needed help or clarification. It would be a pleasure to go again with him. He was able to find 26 lifers for me when I expected at the most 19. Now my world list total is 7466 and counting!

Kay - On Eduardo

I have recently taken a trip with four friends to northern Peru with Eduardo Ormaeche, Birding Ecotours. I have no hesitation in recommending Eduardo and his co-guide Giancarlo Ventolini to anyone wanting to take a birdwatching trip to Peru. Eduardo was an outstanding bird guide. His knowledge of birds and ability to quickly and easily identify birds was truly exceptional. This includes all those very tricky flycatcher types that are so difficult to ID. Eduardo was extremely helpful, patient, and was excellent company. I am an extremely experienced bird watcher having travelled the globe extensively and Eduardo proved to be one of the very best bird guides I have ever experienced. If you are considering bird watching in Peru then think no further than using Eduardo!

Rolland - On Eduardo and Peru

Dear Chris, Thank you for your interest in the outcome of our tour. It is not possible to answer you in one note, so I will try to do so in a few ‘to the point’ remarks. Yes, the trip met all our expectations, and more! We saw and experienced the Cerrado, the Amazon forest, even better than previously at Tambopata, and the Pantanal with its amazing variety and volume of wildlife. For me the sight of a Hyacinth Macaw, which drew me to the Pantanal, already made it worthwhile. Then, of course, come the excellent sightings of the Jaguars and the Otters and then all the birds for which Eduardo made special efforts to find for his goals. In the Cerrado we stayed in an excellent farm-lodge where we were lucky to experience the sighting of the Maned Wolf and the Burrowing Owl (which was on Elzine’s bucket list), apart from a number of colourful specials like the Motmot and Jacamar. In the Amazon we were also very lucky to find another of Elzine’s target species, the Anaconda, and also another member of South America’s big five, the Tapir. We had an excellent session of forest birding on one of the towers where we could really appreciate the advantages of our private tour which, we think, was good value for the additional cost. Together with the Cristalino guide we had the tower for ourselves, and with an excellent guide like Eduardo also with us, we experienced a feast of good sightings. On EDUARDO: It was a pleasure to travel with him again and having him as a guide who showed his expertise even in the presence of other local guides. It is good to hear that he also enjoyed our company. In summary, we came back as very satisfied customers of Birding Ecotours and wish to thank you and Lynn for the opportunity to experience the Heart of Brazil.

Jacques and Elzine - On Eduardo and Brazil

I feel that our trip to Colombia was one of the most enjoyable and rewarding bird tours I have ever been on. You did an excellent job of planning, guiding and looking after the logistics on the tour. Colombia is a pleasure to travel in with very friendly people, excellent roads and pleasant, clean accommodation. Even the more basic places were comfortable, clean and quiet. Santa Marta is a wonderful place with plentiful birds and fantastic scenery. Rio Blanco was my favorite part of the tour with the antpittas and Ocellated Tapaculo at my feet. Otun Quimbaya with Red-ruffed Fruitcrows as yard birds was also a very enjoyable. In all parts of the country I never felt at risk. Colombia is now a safe, rewarding country to travel in. I can hardly wait to return.

Jim - On Eduardo and Colombia

Peru was extraordinary!!!!!! My to do list includes a message to Eduardo with some images that we captured and a tally of the last day’s birds seen with Dennis near Lima, so he can prepare a complete trip report. Wil and I completed our tally while he was still here visiting after our trip and it came in at a staggering 430+ species seen, and a trip total of 460 species either seen or heard by the Taylor brothers. Your guys delivered BIG TIME on this trip, with three stellar guides and nearly flawless logistics, including two excellent drivers as well. Can’t thank you enough, Chris. Eduardo, as you no doubt already know, was top notch. It was tough saying good bye to him and Raul when they dropped us at the Cusco airport. We could not have had a better guide/driver combo for the core of the trip. Wil and I have never hesitated to recommend you and BE to our acquaintances, and we now know that our unconditional recommendation can be extended to your Peruvian office as well. Thanks a million for your help in getting the Peru trip arranged. We’ll be in touch. I attach a photo of satisfied customers with their weary guide near the lower end of the Manu Road, with the Rio Union in the background. For my part, the tour with you was the best overall of all the tours we’ve taken; most memorable, rewarding, and enjoyable.

John - On Eduardo and Peru

Birding Peru for the first time in July 2012 with Eduardo, a professional and very knowledgeable local Peru guide, ensured a smooth, safe and hassle-free trip filled with south Peruvian endemics such as Junin Canastero, White-bellied Cinclodes, Great Inca-Finch and Inca Wren. Eduardo, with the assistance of Raul, were quick to spot birds and ensured that all in the group got onto the birds as fast as possible. While birding, Eduardo also enlightened and amused us with his vast knowledge of birds and other fauna of the area. At the end of each day Eduardo assisted the group to complete a list of birds seen and heard for the day. A briefing each evening prepared participants on what to expect the next day. The accommodation was clean and safe, even in off-the-beaten-track areas. I can highly recommend the Birding Ecotours bird guide in Peru.

Lisl - On Eduardo and Peru

Eduardo, thanks so much for all your efforts to make this a fantastic , superbly well organised, entertaining, comfortable, informative , comprehensive and safe tour through Southern Peru. The Peru you showed me is indeed fabulous. It was a trip of a lifetime for me, which Sue and I can now enjoy remembering together.

Owen - On Eduardo and Peru

The Costa Rica Escape tour was my second trip with Birding Ecotours, after Brazil. It was a great winter break and also a teaser trip to the country, leaving us wanting to see more. Any trip with a Resplendent Quetzal has to be a good one, but the variety of birds we saw at the various stops was amazing. One of the highlight memories for me was when Eduardo and the local guide were off the trail, listening for an owl, and a Great Tinamou walked right up to their feet without them realizing it. As a guide, Eduardo is professional, knowledgeable and personable. I'm already planning my third trip with the company!

Tracy - On Eduardo

Eduardo was amazing! He anticipated our needs, was extremely organized, kept us on schedule, but didn't force us to bird if we didn't want to. He made sure we saw neat things, ate great food, and showed interested in all nature (which we like). He is so easy going, yet attentive. We definitely plan to travel with Eduardo again in the future.

Sandra - On Eduardo

We would highly recommend Eduardo for guiding in South America as he has extensive knowledge of the birds, is a good communicator and always makes sure you are comfortable on all levels.

Tony and Nancy - On Eduardo

This is truly the trip of a lifetime to an area that not a lot of US birders get to enjoy. Guyana is a place where you will see birds, wildlife, and nature in a state that most people can only dream about. From the gardens of Georgetown, to the rainforest, to the top of Kaieteur falls, to the shores of rivers, to the vast southern savanna. Every day brought new species and unforgettable experiences. Our guide Eduardo and our local guide Gary worked extremely hard to make sure everyone saw every bird. Their knowledge, diligence, and patience really made the experience special.

Sherry - On Guyana and Eduardo

Eduardo is an excellent birding guide but more importantly an outstanding, patient, and thoroughly knowledgeable person who really went the extra mile to make sure everyone had a great experience. His knowledge of the neotropic’s birds and nature is vast, and his enthusiasm for the trip was inexhaustible. Long days, early mornings, and vast distances never once detracted from his positive demeanor and his willingness to entertain questions and share explanations and knowledge.

Sherry - On Eduardo

The Best of Colombia Part 2 is an excellent balanced tour with many areas of interest. If you want to see good hummingbirds, this is the tour for you. If you want to see elusive Chestnut Wood Quails do this tour. The people you meet are all kind and welcoming and the bird gardens are fantastic. After the Andes and Amazonia, Los Llanos is a welcome surprise with wonderful scenery and photo opportunities. Who doesn't want to see a bare tree decorated with scarlet ibises at sunset – almost too beautiful to believe.

John and Susan - On Eduardo and Colombia

I think this is the best tour I've taken. Brazil's Atlantic rain forest is full of stunning vistas. Every day was remarkable, even with unseasonably cold and rainy weather. Four species of toucans (my favorites), Bare-faced Bellbird, calling yellow frogs, an Atlantic Royal Flycatcher near its nest, and beautiful tanagers and hummingbirds. Our guides, Eduardo and Marco, had extensive knowledge of all facets of natural history, and showed almost as much excitement at some of our sightings as we did!

Tracy - On Eduardo and Southeast Brazil

Eduardo is still one of my favourite guides. He is knowledgeable, always kind and considerate and goes the extra mile to look after us. Our Guyana birding tour was an excellent tour with two different habitats, rain forest and savannah, giving a good selection of tropical birds. We enjoyed it immensely!

Susan - On Eduardo and Guyana

Birding Ecotours took us on a whirlwind tour of southern Colombia that we will not soon forget. We asked for and immediately received modifications to the standard tour that met the needs of our group. The staff at Birding Ecotours quickly and happily adjusted the tour to allow one couple to exit early and allowed for an extension for the rest of us. Our guide, Eduardo Ormaeche, and his assistants made us feel comfortable and safe while finding an amazing variety of birds. Away from the incredible birding, the food, lodging, transportation, and general service was outstanding. We have done a fair amount of world traveling and we all agreed this trip ranks in the top four of any we have taken. Well done Birding Ecotours and we will use you again without reservation.

Charles - on Eduardo and Colombia

Eduardo Ormaeche impressed me in a way few guides ever have. He leads tours in the most densely concentrated birding countries in the world. His encyclopedic knowledge of literally thousands of birds was really something to marvel at. Add to that his ability to find birds and his overall endearing personality and it all adds up to one of the best guides we've ever had. He made our trip very special.

Charles - On Eduardo

This tour was a blast. The guiding was exceptional. Whether it was our primary guide Eduardo, our drivers, or all the local guides that were helping along the way, they all had one thing in mind, pleasing the customers. Accommodations were very nice and the food was fantastic. We saw over 430 species of birds. We also saw Pink River Dolphins and Andean Bear. Such a great trip!!

Jeff - On Eduardo and Colombia

Eduardo is such a professional. Always working tirelessly to find and identify the birds. Has great rapport with his clients. Constantly making sure everyone is comfortable and having a good time. If you have a trip planned and you can get Eduardo to be your primary guide you are going to enjoy every minute!

Jeff - On Eduardo

We have done several trips with Birding Ecotours. As always, the tour did not disappoint, in fact, exceeded our expectations. We had previously done a tour out of Santa Marta, Colombia, so this time we wanted to see the Cali region. We did 8 days of birding, and managed to see all our target birds. Eduardo is an expert birder. He was also very organized and went out of his way to make our trip safe and fun. The local bird guides were all great additions to our trip. The accommodations were very nice and we had great meals. We loved the enthusiasm and personal attention of all the Birding Ecotours team. Birding Ecotours is a top notch birding company. We are already planning our next birding trip with Birding Ecotours.

Laurie & Steve - On Eduardo & Colombia

My trip to Guyana with Birding Ecotours was only my second pure birding trip, and I could not have been more pleased. The company and our guide, Eduardo, handled all the details very professionally. We had no mishaps (which is just good luck!). I was very pleased with the variety of birds we saw, and, in particular, to our guides' focus on ensuring that each of us saw each bird. No easy task, since we had differing proficiencies. Not only was I pleased to support Birding Ecotours' mission, but I was also pleased to support the development of ecotourism in an "off the beaten path" destination, such as Guyana. I would definitely travel with Birding Ecotours, and in particular, Eduardo, again! Thanks to all for a great experience!

Holly - On Guyana

Our guides, Eduardo (Birding Ecotours) and Garry (local guide), were truly excellent in all respects. They worked well together. They both were very attentive to making sure each client saw every bird. They supplied snacks! They seemed to genuinely enjoy the trip, which set a very positive tone each day. I would travel with these guides anytime, anywhere!

Holly - On Eduardo

Eduardo was excellent; extremely knowledgeable about Peru and the birds and sites we visited.

Charles - On Eduardo

Wow – lots of highlights! Eduardo – personable, organized, great with the birds. So good that my wife and I have invited him to visit us in Oregon and let us show him around! Tomas – also very good with the birds, frequently hearing stuff that was inaudible to me. Many second efforts that resulted in birds or thoughtful conveniences for the participants. The bus driver, Renato, was excellent – very competent over all the speed bumps and even a good bird spotter. Food was great throughout and the selection of restaurants very good.

Ken - On Eduardo and Southeast Brazil

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