At one time Central America was mostly underwater, and only the peaks of volcanoes rose above the water, creating islands ……

Dusky Lark

This day was very special: We were just about to give up searching for the baffling (and one of the very last Southern African) lark species – the Dusky Lark (Pinarocorys nigricans). Believe it or not ……

Birding Ecotours, was one of five teams that were invited to participate in the World Birding Rally, to be held in southern Peru over December 2013. It ……

Benefits of birding

Birdwatching tourism (or avitourism as it is sometimes called) has become a large industry and is the biggest niche within eco-tourism. The amount……

Cape and Spotted Eagle-Owls

Out in the field, and under the low light intensities that owls are seen in, Cape and Spotted Eagle-Owls can easily be, and often are, confused with each other. We have ……

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